Report Suspicious Activity

To report suspicious emails, text messages or websites, contact us immediately.

Contact ANBTX

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Security Tips and Scams

ANBTX is committed to ensuring that our customers are up-to-date on security. ANBTX will never call to ask for your account number, user ID, password, or pin. If you suspect fraud, call us at (800) 837-6584 or visit your nearest ANBTX banking center. 

Learn About Security Tips

Be on the Lookout for Financial Scams


Stay alert of “spoofed phone calls, texts and websites.” Fraudsters are “spoofing” or falsifying their phone number and creating fake websites to display as a reputable company to consumers to get them to give out account access credentials, send money to fake organizations, or infecting their mobile or desktop devices with a virus. 

Always check the URL to ensure there are no misspellings or extra characters added to a web address. ANBTX will never call to ask for your account number, user ID, password, or pin. If you suspect fraud, call us at (800) 837-6584 or visit your nearest ANBTX banking center.


Phishing is a common social engineering technique used to trick people into revealing personal, secure information. Learn to spot phishing attempts and keep your personal information safe.

Learn About Phishing

FBI Advisory: Wire Fraud Email Scam for Business Owners

Fraud targets businesses of all sizes. Our security experts at American National Bank of Texas want to help customers protect their security as they conduct business online and through wire transfers.

Learn About Wire Fraud

Prevent Elderly Abuse

We're committed to preventing, responding to and detecting elder financial abuse.

Learn About Elder Financial Abuse


What does American National Bank of Texas do with your personal information? Download our full privacy policy for all of the details.

Download Privacy Policy

Preventing Identity Theft

The incidence rate of individuals who experience identity theft is increasing every year. While ANBTX has substantial measures in place to protect your identity and your accounts against theft and fraud, there are also tools you can use to protect yourself.

Learn About Identity Theft Prevention

Fraud Information

American National Bank of Texas is committed to protecting your confidential information, and we want to help you do the same. We have additional resources to educate and inform you of threats as well as tips to protecting you from fraud.

Learn About Fraud Assistance


The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) makes it easier than ever to access your credit report and to change any errors it might contain, a major step toward establishing and maintaining good credit and preventing identity theft.

Learn About FACT Act

ATM Safety

ATM banking convenience comes with an increased need for security and personal caution. Learn to protect yourself at public ATMs with a variety of safety tips.

Download ATM Safety Tips

Financial Fraud Alert

An educated consumer has a head start on protecting themselves from financial criminals. Here are some ways you can defend yourself and your identity from theft and abuse.

Download Financial Fraud Alert Tips

How Can We Help?